A documentary and a genuine political thriller. The threads of the complicated international maneuvering that led to the war in Iraq are gathered. Centrally-placed witnesses and whistleblowers take us into the very offices where the campaigns were conceived, intelligence estimates adjusted, and speeches written. These witnesses were insiders to the game but now feel moved to show the world the way they believe the global community was manipulated. The film uncovers the way the governments of Denmark, USA and the UK massaged political and popular opinion in their own countries.
Release: 2013 (Denmark)
Duration: 59 minutes
Genre: Documentary feature
Spoken language: Danish and English
Director: Boris Benjamin Bertram
Screenplay: Boris Benjamin Bertram
Cinematography: Adam Philp
Editors: Pernille Bech Christensen, Henrik Vincent Thiesen, Søren B. Ebbe and
Andreas Bøggild Monies
Sound Design: Thomas Jæger and Morten Groth Brandt
Composer: Tobias Wilner
Producer: Lise Lense-Møller
Production Country: Denmark
Production Companies: Magic Hour Films and Dead People's Choice Film
Coproducer: DR
Produced with support from: The Danish Film Institute, Nordic Film & TV Fond and The MEDIA Programme of the European Union.