The documentary brings to light the challenges when it comes to the treatment of psychological problems in a multi-ethnic inner city slum. The film shows the anthropologist and psychiatrist Adelberto Baretto (Brazil) exchanging knowledge and experience with the psychiatrist Anders Kelstrup.
Release: 2001 (Denmark)
Duration: 60 minutes
Genre: Documentary feature
Spoken language: Portuguese, English and Danish
Director: Dola Bonfils
Cinematography: Steen Møller Rasmussen and Casper Høyberg
Editor: Hans Christan Bundsgaard
Sound Design: Henrik Garnov
Music: Steen Claësson
Producer: Lise Lense-Møller
Production Country: Denmark
Production Company: Magic Hour Films
Produced with support from: The Danish Film Institute, Danish Refugeehelp, Danida, Documentary, The MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Den Sociale Sikringsstyrelse and Sygekassernes Helsefond.