Internationally famous environmentalist, Anil Agarwal from India, meets Knud Vilby, chairman of MS, Denmark's biggest Development NGO, in New Delhi. They share ideas about our global responsibility for the environment. Danish journalist Knud Vilby looks at pollution in India, and at the anti-pollution campaign by the Centre For Science and Environment. He and Anil Agarwal of the CSE discuss the costs of development in a poor country like India, and at how international policy makers view pollution. Vilby also interviews the Danish Minister of the Environment and Energy about Denmark's role in international pollution policy.
Release: 1997 (Denmark)
Duration: 29 minutes
Genre: Documentary Short
Spoken language: Hindi, English and Danish
Director: Dola Bonfils
Screenplay: Knud Vilby and Dola Bonfils
Cinematography: Manuel Sellner
Editor: Jesper Osmond
Sound Design: Morten Bøttzauw
Composers: Kim Menzer and Cecilie Gravesen
Producers: Dola Bonfils, Lone Hey and Lise Lense-Møller
Production Country: Denmark
Production Company: Magic Hour Films
Coproducers: Cinemaker Oy, Centre for Science and Environment (New Delhi, India), DR, The Nordic Collaboration Fund and SVT
Produced with support from: The Danish Film Institute, The Danish Ministry of Education, Danida, Documentary, DR, The European Commission and The Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy.