Fourteen Greenlanders, all of whom have stories to tell, provide a fascinating portrait of a land and its people through their tales of childhood and youth. We hear about a 14-year old orphan boy who catches his first narwhale, about a boy who accidentally kills his puppy, about a woman who hears a qivittoq's (a mountain wanderer) cry of horror,
about a shaman who must battle with his spirit when he decides to become a Christian.
All tales from Ammassalik, Thule and Upernavik, narrated vividly and dramatically in the tradition of Greenlandic storytelling which has developed over centuries of long, dark polar winters.
Release: 2002 (Denmark)
Duration: 72 minutes
Genre: Documentary feature
Spoken language: Greenlandic and Danish
Director: Karen Littauer
Cinematography: Peter Östlund
Editor: Mette Esmark
Sound Design: Jens Bangskjær and Henrik Langkilde
Composer: Henrik Littauer
Producers: Lise Lense-Møller, Karen Littauer and Lone Hey
Production Country: Denmark
Production Company: Magic Hour Films
Coproducer: Nuka Film
Produced with support from: The Aase og Jørgen Münters Fund, Air Greenland, Ammassalik Kommune, Arctic Contractors, Arctic X-treme, Augustinus Fonden, Bodil Pedersen Fonden, Danske Filminstruktører, Den Danske Banks Fond, The Danish Film Institute, DR, Folketingets Grønlandsfond, Flemming Gren Hansen og Niels-Kjeld Jensen fra Thulebasen, Greenland Home Rule, Greenland Contractors, The Icelandic Broadcasting Cultural Fund, GLV i Kangerlussuaq, Hotel Arctic, Ilulissat Kommune, Kong Christian den Tiendes Fond, Det Kongelige Grønlandsfond, The Knud Højgaards Fond, Kulturfonden Danmark-Grønland, KNI, KNR, Lions Club Godthåb, Nordens institut i Grønland/ NAPA, Nordic Film & TV Fund, Nuna Fonden, NUKA a/s, Nuuk Imeq, Nykredits Fond, Politiken-Fonden, SAS og Grønlandsflys Rejsestipendieordning, SAS, Royal Greenland, Scoresbysund-komitéens Østgrønlandsfond, Sonning-Fonden, Statens Kunstfond, TELE Greenland A/S, Thulefonden, UNESCO, Upernavik Kommune, The Danish Ministry of Education, YLE, and Qaanaaq Kommune.