A documentary film about western diplomats leading a special way of life in developing countries outside Europe. The film follows the life and work of one family, the Lindholms.
Glen is the Ambassador of Finland in New Delhi, experienced diplomat with a long career in the third world. The film portrays the international community of diplomats in India and Nepal. They meet each other often, officially and unofficially. This special way of life is in a way a culture of its own. Very often the contrast between the life inside the walls of embassy and the life outside is startling. But the work of a diplomat doesn’t consist of parties only. For instance the conflict between India and Pakistan has its own effect on the everyday life of the Lindholms. 'Ambassadors' tells the story of the Lindholms, but it is also deeper study of the basic questions of the diplomatic life, glory and grass root level of international relations.
Release: 2003 (Denmark)
Duration: 57 minutes
Genre: Documentary feature
Spoken language: Finnish, Hindi and English
Director: Jouko Aaltonen
Screenplay: Jouko Aaltonen
Cinematography: Marita Hällfors
Editors: Kimmo Kohtamäki and Janus Billeskov-Jansen
Sound Design: Martti Turunen
Composer: Tapani Rinne
Producer: Pertti Veijalainen
Production Countries: Finland and Denmark
Production Company: Illume LTD
Coproducers: Magic Hours Film, YLE TV1 and ETV
Produced with support from: AVEK, The Danish Film Institute, The Finnish National Council for Cinema and The SES Finnish Film Foundation.